Short Talk:Read this. How surprising that the landslide at Bukit Antarabangsa happened on the same day I posted that entry! You see, even rumah berdiri kukuh atas tanah boleh tumbang sbb landslide, ni kan pulak rumah tergantung like in the photos. Meremang... -------------
Dear Diary,
I was at SoHo not so long ago with my colleagues for break fast. OK, it was in September to be precise. Ha! That was actually our first time there. The area is new and there were not many shops open yet at that time.
Anyway, SoHo KL is located at Mont Kiara.
As what I read from the newspaper, SoHo is dedicated to be an all-food-outlets-mall which means there will be nothing else in the mall but bar, cafe, restaurants and pubs (and anything else F&B) only. The concept is the first to be introduced in Malaysia!

Aiyo...this is so gay la.

OK, the pic has got nothing to do with the mall. Just to show how much I miss to work out in the gym.
I personally was looking for a restaurant called Dubrovnik, the very first Croatian restaurant in Malaysia, but I could not find any at that time. Has anyone who read this know if the restaurant is already in the mall?
Since there were nothing much opened there last September, we ended up eating at Kenny Rogers, the only restaurant operated at that time.
I like this pic anyway ;)
But pity, the food was not great. Portion was small, the macaroni and cheese and baked potatoes were overcooked..
But fret not, I will still be going there again, for the sake of Dubrovnik (and that gay Schokolat). Ha!