Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Annyeong Korea

*Annyeong means Hello in Korean language

Greetings and Hello world,

I'll be flying off to Seoul, for the first time, this evening. I'm very excited, yes ;)

Seoul is reported to be mostly cloudy, with temperature ranging from 1°C to -8°C. Aiyoooo...

Since this will be exactly the first time for me to experience an extreme weather, I better not to draw any plans yet.

BUT provided I can stand
the weather (my winter jacket tak la tebal mana pon), I would like to visit any of these places:

The largest Converse store outside the US located at Myeongdong.

Prada Transformers located next to Gyeonghui Palace (kalau wujud lagi)

ps: Ada sapa2 mau kimchi? BluekkK!!!


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