Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Story of A Crown Cap


I am back!!

It was a looooong weekend here in Malaysia. The Muslims celebrated the Eid-Adha, which fell last Friday, this year. It was not-so-bad on my side, all family members gathered at Ma's place in Cheras. Later in the afternoon, crazy downpour that we couldn't even get out from the house.

Except for ME. Ha! Well I did, and spent the Friday night with a friend in town. It was a crazy Friday night, wayyyy tooo crazy until I forgot where I was when I got up on the following day. No no, gw tak mabuk dan tak minom OK. Now, I am still in recovery process (btw, it's Sunday today).

Anyway, when I was in HK a couple of weeks ago, I saw a similar looking crown cap (as shown below) at one of many departmental stores there. I wanted to buy so badly. They were having the Winter Sale, so I guess I have two reasons to buy it.

But later, thinking that it may make me look 'over' bak kata orang Melayu, I decided not to.

Until a colleague who went to Incheon in Korea recently, and flashing his photos in the facebook with the crown cap complete with the whole set of winter clothing ........I was like 'Fck! How stupid aku nak takut orang cakap ape. Now this 'A' guy dah already pakai a nice winter cap with bulu2 (well, bila masa lagi nak melaram kalau bukan musim winter), bila je lagi nak ada chance nak beli a winter cap at a bargain price like the one I saw in HK?


Takpelah.....maybe next time dapat flight ke Beijing ke, mana tau lagi murah.....

But for the time being, gw rasa menyesal. The reason being, I just got carried away with the thought of what other people might think about me, and put that little convenience and comfort for myself behind it which is........unfair.

It is my money, my body and my style la kan...

U know u love me,


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