Heya all. Greetings.
First of all, Happy Merdeka (Independence) Day to everyone. Hope you are doing great. My Merdeka eve was spent at home, no celebration. I had just returned home from Jakarta yesterday evening. So kinda exhausted to go out and celebrate. And my off day today was spent at parent's place. I would meet them again at kampong this Raya. No off day in between. Penat.
Do you still remember my entry that I said I'd been wanting to go to Hard Rock Cafe in Beijing? Click this.
Finally it became reality ;)
First of all, Happy Merdeka (Independence) Day to everyone. Hope you are doing great. My Merdeka eve was spent at home, no celebration. I had just returned home from Jakarta yesterday evening. So kinda exhausted to go out and celebrate. And my off day today was spent at parent's place. I would meet them again at kampong this Raya. No off day in between. Penat.
Do you still remember my entry that I said I'd been wanting to go to Hard Rock Cafe in Beijing? Click this.
Finally it became reality ;)
So enjoy the pics, yah?
So my next Hard Rock Cafe would be the one in Dubai. The city branch was closed for re-location but re-opened recently. I can't wait ;)