Taken at Carl's Jr., Pavilion. Ada berani pakai topi konvo at public area?Dear Diary,
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend my Convocation Day last Monday. It was one of the most remarkable day in my life, and the most memorable one as well. I am very thankful to the people at the Flying Academy for giving me permission to attend the ceremony (I did mention all the hassles in previous entries).
The ceremony started early in the morning. Both Ma & Pa were there, so did my 2 elder sisters and 3 nephews. Really aku bersyukur to Allah Almighty that I was be able to have Ma & Pa at the event. Alhamdulillah, panjang lagi umur mereka and sempat tengok me going up on stage taking the scroll from the University Chancellor, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, wife to the ex-PM, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who is also the Chancellor to another private uni in Malaysia.
Now at mamak at BB Plaza, still with the hat on.Actually, I did not turn up at the rehearsal held days before the actual event took place, due to work reasons. I was lucky enough that an old colleague of mine, Fad, had helped me with the convo items (robe, hat, yada yada) collection, as well as smart card activation. Oh, did you know that the uni uses a very cool system upon scroll collection on stage? Will tell more in a bit.Anyway, many thanks to you again, buddy.
Hanis, one of the rich brats in my batch. He drives Celica, SLK and Harrier.
And yet, a very soft spoken guy, softer than me. Hah!The event was a successful one. Everything went smoothly. I really like the idea of e-everything for the convocation.
The one thing that surprised me most was the music they played during the Perarakan Graduan masuk ke dewan (I don't know what that is called in English). Some of the songs are actually the same songs that I listen everyday at work during pax boarding into the aircraft. Somehow it was quite funny.
Fellow internship colleagues at the National Archive of M'sia.I myself was the 27th person to go up on stage to receive the scroll that morning.
Initially, I thought that it was a free-seating like ceremony where we can sit with our company, as what the seniors said for their convocation in previous years. But starting this year, the uni sits the graduates according to the major.
So, graduates from the Faculty of Information Science and Technology were the first to go up, followed by uni mates the from Faculty of Creative Multimedia and Diploma graduates.
He was a uni mate, and now a neighbor and also a work colleague!!Both of us took hardcore major in uni. Me, Information System Engineering and he did Interface Design.I saw a lot of changes amongst my uni mates after have not seen them for quite a while. Like this one below.
We used to do crazy things together and now she wears TUDONG?!!!Her bf was there, her new bf. A very hunky Australian guy. Aku wonder mane la ko kutip mamat tu, Yoy?
But this one below remain the same. She befriended this Sudanese man , who is also a uni mate since the very first year in uni. I thought they would split up one day, you know.....couple Arab Melayu ni selalu tak menjadi but.....after many many years, they are still together!!
Bila mau kawen?
Jugak masih sama mereka berdua.The event finished at 11'ish. Quite early then what scheduled.As I got out from the uni (I felt like coming out from Hogwarts) I went straight to my family, in order to 'redeem' the flowers. Ha! And of koz to say thank you to Ma & Pa for all the things they had been giving me, until I dah pandai carik duit sendiri.
It is no fun (and apparently no cool) la kan to walk around on convocation day without a bouquet in hands..
Just exactly a moment before I returned the robe.
Cam w**** memang camni.I also managed to meet some old friends at the event. Like this one.
Good luck for the ACCA my dear.Oh, the system I mentioned earlier on works like this.
During the rehearsal day, all graduates are required to test the smart card. Our uni smart card, to access the system.
During the actual event, we were to touch the smart card on the squarish mouse-pad like paper, and as we receive the scroll, our name will appear on the main screen located at the centre of the stage together with our photo, as well as our thank you message. Very cool, is not it?
What a visit to Cyberjaya Campus without taking a photo here. That day, I received these:
Just a dummy.
The hat tassle, see my year of Class graduated?
Since my smart card can't be activated, I used the special Convo Card. Melayang RM 20 for that!
The Convo Book.
The car sticker. Yes, kene simpan jugak....kenangan kan?
The DVD of the event. As soon as we got out from the hall, the DVD is already there for sale. Dont ask me how they do this, I myself pon surprised jugak. Kata pon Multimedia. How I wish the format was in HD.
The Invitation Card for the parents.
The event DVD.
Ha...now this is the actual scroll. We dont do the conventional paper scroll but were given the CD.
They call it e-Scroll.
Now you can read everything about the e-Scoll here. MMU is the first uni in the world to use this e-Scroll thing. And.....

The flowers I received. A bouquet of white lily and a bouquet of yellow roses. U know u love me, xoxo