Dear Diary,
This is another old old story, that I am just about to share. I wish I can update my blog everyday. I just do not have the internet connection at home, for the time being, hence I can only update the blog twice or once a week only.
My apologies.
Anyway, these photos below were taken in Sept 5 last year. My fellow colleagues and I were attending the Buka Puasa ceremony with the Minister of KPPKW (google it!)
(*hint: I worked under the ministry if you still remember)
The event was held at the Kompleks Kraftangan (Handycraft Complex) situated at Jalan Conlay in KL. It was my maiden visit to the complex.
We were served with traditional Malay cuisine, susuai dengan bulan puasa and imej kementerian itu...
This is another old old story, that I am just about to share. I wish I can update my blog everyday. I just do not have the internet connection at home, for the time being, hence I can only update the blog twice or once a week only.
My apologies.
Anyway, these photos below were taken in Sept 5 last year. My fellow colleagues and I were attending the Buka Puasa ceremony with the Minister of KPPKW (google it!)
(*hint: I worked under the ministry if you still remember)
The event was held at the Kompleks Kraftangan (Handycraft Complex) situated at Jalan Conlay in KL. It was my maiden visit to the complex.
We were served with traditional Malay cuisine, susuai dengan bulan puasa and imej kementerian itu...

As soon as we finished makan, we took a tour around the complex. And these are some of the photos snapped on that evening.

So tell me, if aku the native of the country pon tak tau all bende² ni ade, how would the gomen nak introduce these items to the world?