Saturday, January 24, 2009

Starbucks 10th Anniversary

Hey hey,

I am a kiasu. That is what I can say to you.

And this morning, I was at Lot 10 with a hope that I could get an iPod, because apparently Lipton Tea is giving away free stuffs in order to promote their new product called Milk Tea. And this week, they are giving away iPod shuffle (still an iPod, neh?)

But heck, I was q'ing at the wrong side and sh**t, I was then moved to the end of the line. So, no more iPod la kan...

Anyway, this entry is about the Starbucks 10th Anniversary.

I am a big fan of Starbucks coffee. So, I take this opputunity to buy their special items for the anniversary--the leather bound and the special tumbler.

Well, I just love collectors' items ;)

Ha....puas ati dapat beli ;)


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