i am still puzzled on how to use this blog thingy, in terms how nak edit, nak kasik cantek sket etc etc. i ni bukan rajin nak explore mcm like a friend of mine, Shah. but i'll try my best lah.
anyway, im glad i finally dapat the courage nak edit the blog. to all friends, rajin² la visit since now dah tak dapat jumpe slalu.
i certainly miss my student life back in Melaka.
my daily rountine would be like this:
-bangon kol 8, breakfast dgn cereal, coffee or green tea, 1 carrot.
-then at 10 i will have my tea break dgn red apple dgn whey
-pukul 12 ade klas. or pegi lunch kat PS. gelak² dgn frens
-5 or 6 ade hi tea
-7.30 pre workout meal
-8-10 gym
-10.30 dinner dgn buddies
-11'ish tido
but now? mane la ade time buat those things? i went to Melaka last week to visit my angels di sana. ha ha.
Zuria and Wani (and Faizal) insisted me join they all ke Jetty Pier pergi karaoke. but since I have no interest (really!) nak pegi karaoke (in fact, x penah pergi pon, unbelievable kan?), I pon menapak la ke cafe hijau itu.
anyway, weekend is around the corner. time weekend la I feel alive.
whats planned on the w/e so far?
- berkelana ke Damansara untuk claim my gifts for the CLEO EB
- activate my gym membership di Celeb, Bangsar Village. seriously, its been like almost 3 months since I last went to the gym. I've lost a lot of kg's and cutting, and in need of gym again now since kat KL ni, 'competition' is sky-high
- meet a fren who hailed from Sg
- pegi wedding reception this Sunday nite kat Rumah Pengantin, Jalan Ampang. locationwise, the address bunyik funny but guess what, invitations are for 200 pax only. at first, I thought it was rather weird for a Malay wedding nak ajak that much only. so like macam kawen dlm church. was told its a Garden-themed wedding. so, we'll see la kan.
anyway, I better off now. its lunch time.
u know u love me, xoxo