Thursday, June 26, 2008

OMG!! 'Serena van der Woodsen' is back!!

man, its been like years (huh...mmg pon!) since i last posted a new entry into my blog. not that i takde bende nak cakap....but i was sooo lazy on that time. now, eversince org kat tempat keje dah sebok blog, plus friends pon insist i update blog, so there u go la kan.

i am still puzzled on how to use this blog thingy, in terms how nak edit, nak kasik cantek sket etc etc. i ni bukan rajin nak explore mcm like a friend of mine, Shah. but i'll try my best lah.

anyway, im glad i finally dapat the courage nak edit the blog. to all friends, rajin² la visit since now dah tak dapat jumpe slalu.

i certainly miss my student life back in Melaka.
my daily rountine would be like this:
-bangon kol 8, breakfast dgn cereal, coffee or green tea, 1 carrot.
-then at 10 i will have my tea break dgn red apple dgn whey
-pukul 12 ade klas. or pegi lunch kat PS. gelak² dgn frens
-5 or 6 ade hi tea
-7.30 pre workout meal
-8-10 gym
-10.30 dinner dgn buddies
-11'ish tido



but now? mane la ade time buat those things? i went to Melaka last week to visit my angels di sana. ha ha.
Zuria and Wani (and Faizal) insisted me join they all ke Jetty Pier pergi karaoke. but since I have no interest (really!) nak pegi karaoke (in fact, x penah pergi pon, unbelievable kan?), I pon menapak la ke cafe hijau itu.

anyway, weekend is around the corner. time weekend la I feel alive.
whats planned on the w/e so far?
  1. berkelana ke Damansara untuk claim my gifts for the CLEO EB
  2. activate my gym membership di Celeb, Bangsar Village. seriously, its been like almost 3 months since I last went to the gym. I've lost a lot of kg's and cutting, and in need of gym again now since kat KL ni, 'competition' is sky-high
  3. meet a fren who hailed from Sg
  4. pegi wedding reception this Sunday nite kat Rumah Pengantin, Jalan Ampang. locationwise, the address bunyik funny but guess what, invitations are for 200 pax only. at first, I thought it was rather weird for a Malay wedding nak ajak that much only. so like macam kawen dlm church. was told its a Garden-themed wedding. so, we'll see la kan.

anyway, I better off now. its lunch time.

u know u love me, xoxo


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