Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
ta~dah!!! cookies and all the junks pt.1
the young nephew--ashraf, not knowing what day is today
filial pity, kissing the ma, asking for forgiveness and all
my 2nd sis and her family in front of my kampong house
the everyone, incl me, pa and ma
raya, the normal kampong scene
gay cookies, for gay people... ;)
the big family were busy raya'ing the relatives
the other offering, can u see that rolled tarts?
the only in the family who has got the chinese eyes, wulla!!
kampong house, colouful, and forever beautiful, u know?
obviously i was tired, and in need of good rest
behind the old kampong house, its pamelo. u know pamelo?


generally this was taken at Little India, specifically--depan Mydin. haha!

'fi fepet'

(and me? = nowhere still...but who cares?)
we had a lot of fun that day. watched 2 movies -- The Devil Wears Prada and John Tucker Must Die. simply loved the 2nd movie, the actor, who also played the gardener of Mr. Solis in Desperate Housewives is simply a hearth-throb. delicious!

and, also bought this cute swimwear (pic above). hey, it's red in colour, arena, complete with SPF50 UV protector and came at a good price!!
1st week: PER
2nd week: raya
3rd week: TOK